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About Our Church

The Peniel Temple History

THE PENIEL TEMPLE of the International Central Gospel Church is a part of the ministry of Dr. Mensa Otabil, who is the founder and General Overseer of all the International Central Gospel Churches (ICGC), and under the leadership of Pastor Charles Ampong, the Resident Pastor.

This assembly is a multi-tribal, multi-cultural and multi-faceted church. Situated on the north side of Chicago Illinois: The PENIEL Temple Welcomes membership from across the entire Chicago land and its suburbs and people from all walks of life who are hungry for God's presence

and his word to enable them live life by design. We believe that the word of God has the ability to transform people from one level to another.

The mission of ICGC The Peniel Temple is to raise exemplary leaders, help people shape their God-given visions or talents and influence society pervasively with the principles of Christ.This life-growing church has a family sprout where, no matter where you come from- irrespective of your social status or race, we believe God has put something in you purported to launch into the deep so as to influence your generation. Also we believe that, what matters is that you are created in the image of God and with God all things are possible.


Our services are very exciting and insightful  with tangible manifestations of the power of God. Praise and Worship at The Peniel Temple is very unique and soul searching experience one needs to have with God. We invite you to join and fellowship with this family-oriented church in Chicago.

Our Mission Statement

- Raising Leaders


- Shaping Vision

- ​Influencing Society through Christ

​ Through our programs, we trust to make the lives of our people better than before they came to Church, and redirect their perception and behavior in conformity with God's word. This attitude which is based on the word of God will transform the lives of people in their communities, work place, schools and more.

Our Vision

To establish the house of God, through the development of Model New Testament Christians and churches with the philosophical common denominator of practical christianity, human dignity and excellence.

Consequently, we are committed to train and equip God's people who come to our church to develop and grow into maturity in Christ so they will manifest the character of Christ..

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4554 N Broadway 320,  Chicago, IL 60640 (Inside the Building) | Building Entry Code: 2577 |  |  Tel: (773) 517-0011

 Call Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-5pm,​​ Saturday: 9am-7pm, ​Sunday: 9am-8pm

©2024 by ICGC Peniel Temple.

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